

헬로우트래블과 함께 했던 여러분들의 추억이 너무 궁금합니다!
멋진 사진과 함께 소중한 여행후기를 작성해 보세요.

작성일 작성자 조회수
2012-01-14 D*stin 1001
Thanks For a Great Trip

Just wanted to say thanks for the great time you showed me while in Rome. You made our trip a memerable experience that will last forever. David Nam and his buddy came and picked us up from the airport, and gave us a tour of the city on the way to our hotel.  It was awesome to have somebody that spoke english and could tell me what going on. Especially during the Vatican tour. That was one of my favorite parts of the whole trip. The guide was soooo knowledgable and my girlfriends learned alot about everything. Except Im waygookin so I couldnt understand what he was saying, David Nam was able to translate for me and give me all the good information. Also when I was short a few euros for something I wanted to buy, he loaned me five euros. I was really impressed by that and appreciated it very much. Also, the advice about where to go while in Rome was excellent as well. My girlfriends loved the Target restaraunt and their lobster spaghetti so much, we went there twice in one week. yes yes yes, It was a great trip and the customer service we recived made it worth it. Thanks for all the great memories and we hope to make some new ones in the future with you.


Dustin, Sujin, and Mikyoung
